会社名: |
情報 URL: |
http://www.erationalnews.com/ |
電子メール: |
webmaster@erationalnews.com |
プライバシ宣言: |
Erationalnews.com is a division of Erationalnews, a company that is committed to ensuring the protection and privacy of your personal information. Since Erationalnews.com gathers and compiles certain types of information about our users from its network of marketing partner sites ("Network Partners") as well as its own sites, we want users to fully understand the terms and conditions surrounding the use of that information. This privacy statement discloses what information we gather, how we use it, and how to correct or change it. Because Erationalnews.com is committed to your privacy, this policy will notify you of: 1. The information this site gathers/tracks about users. 2. What this site does with the information it gathers/tracks. 3. With whom this site shares the information it gathers/tracks. 4. This site's opt-out policy, policy on correcting and updating personally identifiable information, and policy on deleting or deactivating user names from its database. 5. The security procedures in place to protect the loss or misuse of information. 6. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should first contact us by email at webmaster@Erationalnews.com 1. Information Erationalnews.com Gathers and Tracks Erationalnews.com gathers personally identifiable and other information about users (such as name, postal address, email address, gender, date of birth, interests, other demographic information, etc.) from our Network Partners and our affiliates. This information is typically obtained by our partners' sites in connection with a user's registration on a particular site. Erationalnews.com receives only information about users who have voluntarily agreed to receive offers from third party marketers such as Erationalnews.com and its subsidiaries. The information gathered enables us and our customers to better tailor offers to these individuals. 2. Use of Information Erationalnews.com uses information voluntarily given by the users of the web sites of our Network Partners and our affiliates in order to provide these users with information on products and/or services that may be of interest to them. We and our marketing partners may enhance or merge your personally identifiable information with data collected from other sources to use in direct or online marketing, including the data services described in "Sharing of Information" below. In the event we enhance or merge your personally identifiable information with data collected from other sources, we will take reasonable steps to maintain the integrity and quality of that information. 3. Sharing of Information Erationalnews.com uses the information described above to help advertisers and third party marketers better understand the demographics of registrants of a Network Partner or an affiliate site. We share personally identifiable information (including information that has been enhanced with information from other sources) with advertisers, third party marketers and our affiliates for their direct and online marketing. Erationalnews.com does not control the practices or policies of our advertisers or third party marketers. All information voluntarily provided to Erationalnews.com by a registrant of a Network Partner or an affiliate site may be used to support our marketing data services business. These services include the provision of personally identifiable data to marketing companies, advertising agencies, data compilers, data companies, and, to the extent permitted by law, individual reference and look-up service programs. Such information may be used by such companies to provide users with information on products and services that may be of interest to them. If users indicate that they do not want to have their data shared with third parties so that such parties can make users aware of their product offerings, Erationalnews.com will limit the use of their data to the suppression, validation and enhancement of existing information held by third parties about its users. For example, in the case where a marketer may have separately obtained information about a user, that marketer may use data about a registrant provided by Erationalnews.com, such as "opt-out" information, to suppress or drop the registered user's name from a file of potential customers; other information may be used to verify and/or validate the accuracy of existing data on the registrant that was lawfully acquired by a marketer. In addition, our data customers may use data supplied by Erationalnews.com to enhance or append personally identifiable data to their file for use in direct or online marketing subject to the terms of their own privacy policies. Erationalnews.com does not permit ongoing email solicitations to be sent to individuals who have opted out from receiving email solicitations. Nor will Erationalnews.com knowingly share information that supports multi-level marketing initiatives or pornographic promotions or sites. Erationalnews.com does not rent, license, or sell personal data to third parties without users' specific permission except in the event of a merger, acquisition, sale of assets of Erationalnews.com or any of its divisions as a going-concern, or change of control, in which case such data would be considered a business asset and would be transferred subject to the terms of this privacy policy. Nonetheless, our users will always have the opportunity to choose whether or not they want to receive further information and offers from any division within Erationalnews.com or our marketing partners. 4. Opt-out/Unsubscribe Policy By registering with our Network Partners or affiliate sites and opting in to receive third party offers, users allow Erationalnews.com and its divisional affiliates to make their personally identifiable information available to third parties in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy. Erationalnews.com provides users the option to opt-out from receiving information sent on behalf of third party advertisers by our Erationalnews.com division or to opt-out from Erationalnews.com and its divisions sharing information with advertisers or third party marketers for promotional purposes. Notwithstanding, all personally identifiable information provided by a user may be used by Erationalnews.com and its divisions to support its marketing data services business described above. Users may unsubscribe to electronic mailings sent via our Erationalnews.com division at any time by following the instructions contained at the end of every Erationalnews.com newsletter or emailing. Users may opt-out of receiving further information sent on behalf of third party advertisers by our Erationalnews.com Offers division or from Erationalnews.com sharing information with advertisers or third party marketers for promotional purposes by following the "unsubscribe" procedure. Currently, Erationalnews.com does not offer users a means by which to completely delete personal data. Please note that information sent on behalf of third party advertisers is prepared days in advance, so you may continue to receive email from our Erationalnews.com division for up to 72 hours after you unsubscribe. If after that point you are still receiving email from our Erationalnews.com Offers division, please let us know. 5. Security Policy Erationalnews.com has created security guidelines to protect the loss, misuse, or alteration of user information. Access to personally identifiable information is only provided to authorized Erationalnews.com employees via a password. Erationalnews.com employees are made aware of our security guidelines during our employee orientation process. Our security guidelines are reviewed quarterly based on our fiscal calendar. 6. Notification of Changes Users will be notified of any changes to this privacy policy statement via our electronic mailings and a notice posting on our home page. If any changes apply to the use of personally By unsubscribing from this list does NOT remove you from other list we may manage. To remove yourself from all lists we manage click here.
プライバシURL: |
http://www.erationalnews.com/privacy.php |
製品: |
SpyRescue(スパイレスキュー) |
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