Our intent with Alertle is to provide you with an effective way of surfing the web and the information collected is primarily for that purpose. We have the highest regard for your privacy while using Alertle. Some notes:
Email address is required for signup so that we can provide a customized Alertle experience for you. It is not shared with anyone else and neither will we spam you on it. Your email address is your username on Alertle and is needed to sign in and use Alertle. Your password is stored in an encrypted form. We use cookies on Alertle which help us to recognize you and provide a better experience. Cookies are just plain text files stored by your browser on your computer and are essential for Alertle to function properly in your browser. We may record your IP address for administrative and analytical purposes. We may track your Alertle usage and use it to improve our service in various ways, but if we do so, we will do that in a way which doesn't personally identify you. In other words, we don't care if you are ???John Doe??? or ???Terminator2???, we'll treat you just like a number At the end of the day, we hope and believe that you will trust us as we act in good faith. Your information is safe with us and we hope you will enjoy using Alertle as much as we do